您的位置:今日东莞 > 东莞市第八届英语口语大赛 > 选手风采 >
组别: 初中组 票数: 30818
年龄:13 镇街: 城区二片:万江、南城
学校/单位: 东华初级中学
    Hello,everyone.My name is HeXu.My English name is Leo.I study in Donghua Junior High School.I am 13 years old. I am the tallest in my class and I am verg strong ,too. My favourite color is blue ,so my clothes are also blue. my favourite sports are swimming and badminton. Sometimes I also play basketball,but I am not good at playing basketball. I have many friends, because I am very friendly to them. My dream is to be a scientist, so I study very hard .Thanks for reading Bye bye.
大柠 2016-8-31 13:48:41
    加油ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)
锋锋 2016-8-31 13:14:30
飞越 2016-8-31 9:19:39
2016-8-31 7:12:15
宁缺毋滥 2016-8-30 21:57:44
Ashaer 2016-8-30 20:05:26
尹海元 2016-8-30 19:17:32
岁月如歌 2016-8-30 14:14:43
胡运伍 2016-8-30 14:12:51
何治愈 2016-8-30 12:37:40
    加油 👏👏👏
娜娜沛沛 2016-8-30 12:17:09
阿彪 2016-8-30 10:12:00
思语 2016-8-30 0:17:55
晚霞 2016-8-29 12:07:15
流浪者 2016-8-29 6:48:15
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