您的位置:今日东莞 > 东莞市第五届英语口语大赛 > 选手风采 >
组别: 成人组 票数: 17396
年龄:22 镇街: 市直属
学校/单位: 东莞第一中学
     我始终坚信:It is my dream that wakes me up everyday!
     “Burdens are lighter when carried by two, and I just want you to know I''m here for you.”我相信,有那么多爱我的朋友一直支持我鼓励我,再大的担子也会一分为二,化大为小。有你们的支持,我会一路坚持到最后并笑到最后的!O(∩_∩)O~
     You can go through my microblog:@Tiffany_HXY夢想啓航
     I come, I see, I conquer!
蛋定ing 2013-11-14 8:17:41
Wellfin 2013-11-12 2:18:13
    Always believe in u!
多福 2013-11-11 23:21:05
Vivienne/沈娓娓 2013-11-9 15:45:27
    How delightful to have your warm and encouraging message at this moment! I am certainly not young anymore in terms of age but luckily have got an energetic heart and a comparatively younger appearance according to most people whoever once saw me. Moreover,I have been believing one will never be too old to learn. Thanks a bunch for your BEST wish and may you all the BEST!!
加油! 2013-11-8 16:37:13
加油! 2013-11-8 16:35:56
好厉害!好棒!!!(☆_☆) 2013-11-7 18:36:06
多福 2013-10-27 19:59:56
Tiffany 2013-10-27 0:04:50
     Happy to see you during the Preliminary, too. Your enduring enthusiasm left a deep impression on me too. It''s such an inspiring moment when I know that you keep on pursuing progress in such a mature age. Therefore, you encouraged me a lot and hope you a gorgeously new life!
Vivienne/沈娓娓 2013-10-22 15:15:45
    Nice to see you during the Preliminary. Your bright smiles and beautiful big eyes impressed me so much. Hoping you would be enjoying a more glittering future!!
昆仔 2013-10-20 22:39:53
2013-10-18 20:02:55
一鸣惊人 2013-10-15 23:13:41
H客 2013-10-15 22:28:01
可爱的牛公子 2013-10-14 23:21:54
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策划:谭晶 叶子伦- 编辑:谭晶 叶子伦 - 设计:黄燕娟 - 开发:蓝俊杰 - 编审:张伟玲
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